I was at like 14 hours and I had already completed the bulk of the game and only a few of the side quests remained. One of the things that surprised me on this play through was how short it was. Which is good, because the game is on the short side. Basically, what you see is what you get as far as towns. The towns are on the map and you do not enter an entire town, but houses in it. Here you see them, though some do pop out of nowhere. No random encounters where you are walking and you hit an invisible enemy. Together, they try to find a way to destroy a strange being called Lavos as it will emerge at some point in the future and spell disaster for mankind! Along the way they will also have to help the people in the future survive, defeat a magician and ensure a kingdom's survival, help the humans of the past battle dinosaurs and figure out the mysteries of a strange kingdom in the sky! Amazing game as it does some things differently than a lot of role playing games of the era. You can also be joined by a foe turned somewhat friend, but he is purely optional. Crono follows her and soon finds himself back in the same area, only it is in the past! Soon he, Marla and Lucca will be joined by a knight frog, a prehistoric woman named Ayala and a robot from the future called Robo. Well, Marla volunteers, but something goes wrong and she vanishes. A couple of pods that one can teleport from one to the other in. They partake in some of the festivities before going to see a friend of Crono's, Lucca's latest invention. It is there he is joined by Marla, a young woman that seems to be hiding something. The story has a young man named Crono going to the town he lives in, Millennial Fair. The music is great in it too, even by today's standards as too many games these days seem to simply use popular music or simply have virtually none. Games back before the high resolution graphics of today were almost more of an art form while today it is more like a movie. However, the graphics still look good, sure they are not super realistic by today's standards, but they still have a charm to them. The game still holds up rather well, a few things surprised me on my latest play through of the game and I am sure some of my disappointment came from being stuck playing this on the Playstation rather than the Super Nintendo. Strange inclusion as this game is not a Final Fantasy game, just made by the same company. I wish I still had my cartridge of this game however, I lent it to someone who failed to return it so now I am really hesitant to lend anything to anyone and I am stuck having to revisit this fine game on the Playstation on a two disc set called, "Final Fantasy: Chronicles".
Sure enough, this game had me hooked and I enjoyed every minute of it. When I first put in the cartridge for this game and powered on my Super Nintendo I knew I was in for a great game as the music started playing and you got to see many of the adventures you would soon be having.